Thanks Sammy for letting me be an associate writer for PA. I have been a "Palm Addict" for several years ever since getting my first Palm Tungsten E for my birthday. Prior to that I used a Casio BOSS with a "wopping" 64KB memory to keep my contacts, appoinments and expenses.
I am now using a Palm T/X for everything. For example, I begin each day reading my and my wife's horoscopes and thought for the day. I check your site several times a day and have tried a lot of the software mentioned. I update myself with world's news and check emails. I glance at the weather forecast using Kmeteo. Recently I switched from a handwritten cheque register to SplashMoney to keep track of my finances on the go on my T/X. I also use Splashshopper to make a quick list of groceries, movies to see, books I want to read, a travel checklist etc. I thought I would never use such a program but there I was in the grocery aisles the other day, recording the brandnames of my favourite items and the unit price on my T/X. Just like a "mystery shopper". The grocer looked at me strange. I check the Metacritic website and record DVDs I want to watch, the major star and the metacritic ranking. I don't always go by the ranking but it is a guide. When I have idle time I play my favourite games such as wordsearch, wordpop and card games and listen to country music. By the way I am not advertising for any particular palm applications but simply stating what works for me.
Your site is a testament to fact that Palm is definitely not dead. It is the go-to-place for Palm die-hards. Keep up the good work!