[From Pastor Steve Hahn] Hey Sammy! Hope all is well, glad to hear about some changes coming to the website, looking forward to seeing the changes. So being the Apple junkie I am, even though I had the iPhone 4, when the news came out about the iPhone 4S and Siri, I kind of liked the idea, thought it would be really nice to have SIRI schedule my appts, but was afraid it would wear off after time, so I didnt purchase right away. Well as Apple continued to show commercials, and as I read article after article, especially from Palmaddicts, ;-) I made up my mind that I needed the 4S. Not to mention I really wanted the capacity of a 64GB as my 32 GB was getting quite full. Since my purchase, I have really noticed the difference in the camera, and take more photos knowing that it takes great pics. But my fear of using Siri has come to pass, I often forget to use her, I love the idea of Siri, and often force myself to use it just because I think its cool, but the SIRIousness of having it has worn off. I really am trying to use it enough to create a habit of using SIRI, because I do like it, but I often ask myself, was it worth it? Was it worth it to blow my upgrade with ATT when I know the iPhone 5 will be out this year and I will be forced to wait? So in all SIRIousness, yea I am quite pleased with the iPhone 4S, but am afraid that when iPhone 5 comes out, I will be yelling at SIRI asking her why she made me commit to her and not wait for the coveted iPhone 5!!! Maybe I will ask her right now...."SIRI, why did I buy you and not wait for the iPhone 5?" Yep..she doesnt know that, and has resorted to searching the web for my question, figures, she is such a heart breaker!!! But I still love her...Thanks SIRI!