Next week I start a trek across Brazil calling at places such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. So ultimately its important that I am organised, I have an itinerary I don't know the places, times and locations I will be travelling to. In this case the iPhone 4S is something that I'm going to be relying on an awfully lot over the coming weeks. Siri is giving me up-to-date weather reports on a daily basis just by me instructing it to do so, I use trip boss to organise my trip, I also use the memo app on my iPhone to make lists of things I mean to take with me or to purchase before I leave and an array of important facts, or place I just simply wish to visit whilst I'm away.
Needless to say, without my iPhone I would probably be very much unorganised and there is a chance I would actually forget to take important items with me. I remembered the days before my iPhone I would have to rely on pen and paper to remember what to take or places to see, guidebooks would also be cumbersome and heavy and now with the iPhone I'm not having to take these guidebooks with me so freeing up weight and space in my luggage.
So I love my iPhone as a tool to organise my trips and itinerary. It's amazing the different ways our mobile device can be useful and because I travel a great deal it is very important that I know where I need to be and at what time, plus what I need to pack and it's great to know that my iPhone can take of these matters.
I hope that you are having a great Wednesday.