BGR is reporting the price of the upcoming HP Touchpad will be $699 with a June release. The leak is from some anonymous source "in the know". Anonymous or not, this is a fairly good guess based on the the tablet pricing range of competitors. Reading the HP website articles and watching the ZDnet videos make this Tablet look real nice. I for one always thought that WebOS is in many ways superior to iOS and will be taking a closer look at the device when it comes to buying a tablet sometime this year I hope. WebOS looks really nice on the ZDnet blog article Sammy posted here prior, take a look! I was impressed with the finesse of the cards and applications and the multitasking. The OS seems to look and work better on a tablet as I figured it may, the Palm Pre was a marvel to play with and to this day I still am amazed Palm made so many mistakes to lose themselves. Hopefully HP will carry and burn the torch brighter than ever.