Blogs and tech sites are alive with speculation about the future of Palm in lights of the upcoming revelations at the CES on 8 January 2009. Even has offered its 2 cents giving up a report from Dow Jones. Technologizer says it all when it asks, Can Nova Save Palm? Palm has shown a lift on the NASDAQ since announcing its new-ness, but at around $2 a share it's still down about 80%. So, will our beloved Palm survive? Will we all be amazed at the miracle the tech wizards at Palm unveil on 8 January? Will the crowd cry with glee, or just cry? Time will tell. Although many are loyal to the company and especially the user experience, that loyalty fuel tank is nearly empty and the engines are sputtering. (Roger, tower. Number two has flamed out, and three and four are looking poor. Request clearance for immediate landing, straight-in. Roger, Palm. Fuel trucks are being held well back from the runway. Crash crews are at the standby....)