Liliputing has gather around all the informations available about netbooks in the market today, and put them all in a complete list database for ease of view. It's a really nice one, and as far as I know of; it's one of the kind.
With so many little laptops and mini notebooks to choose from various brands, we got lost so easily in the wide jungle of consumerism. Heck, you can even find some names and brands that you never knew exist before. The list will quickly view the specs and images, no pain for opening up a new tab or windows to see the details. So thumbs up to Brad Linder for making the efforts to help us to sort them all out. ;-)
And I kinda like the new name for netbook, that Brad has called it as: "liliputer". Maybe this name is more befitting for some of you?
Sources are from Liliputing, via Gizmodo.
[blogged with my Treo 750v]