OK I am going to have a nice little weekend throwaway for you and I will end this on Sunday your going to need to be very quick with this one It is open to both readers and writers. If you want to get your hands on a iPod Touch 16GB then this is a good chance as I am throwing a new one away as I am in a pretty generous mood as I am away going to Paris for the weekend. So what do you have to do to get your name into the random drawing for it? Very simple and pretty much the same as always.
You just send me a user thought or mobile opinion maybe something on how you use your mobile device or something on the same lines but importantly make it positive. A couple of quick guidelines. Questions to readers or opinions wanted from readers go in the forum [they are not entered]; no self site or software promotions or you will not be entered and nothing you have sent before or used elsewhere. No personal plea's as to why you want the MacBook White or what you will do with it as they are trashed immediately we want to hear your mobile thoughts and how your using your mobile device. Importantly give your user thought a title, or again you will not be entered. If your writing about a program then you must include the link so others can enjoy the program.
Open to readers and writers [writers post as normal and email Monday please with your posting numbers if you wish to be entered]. As mentioned previously I appreciate the people who add kind words to me in their email, a small percentage just send their thought without even saying hi or how are you, they take it for granted that they are entered into the hat, so your thoughts with add on messages are always welcome and certainly entered. Please put WEEKENDER in your subject line, IMPORTANTLY give your user thought a title, otherwise you are not entered and then email - [email protected] I will end this on Sunday night so get your entries into me sooner rather than later.