[From Harold Arnold, Berkeley, CA] Dear Sammy et al. Congratulations on running such a great site for nine years! It's the only Palm site I check every day, since it seems to have all the Palm news from other sites.
The new battery I put in my Tungsten T|3 last month turned out to be no better than the old one, so I replaced it again last week. I'm getting to be pretty good at this, but I hope that I won't have to do it again for a while. Since the backup program I was using wasn't able to restore my Palm, I was forced to restore it manually again using Sync Buddy.
One of the first programs I reinstalled was the MAX English Dictionary (American Heritage Dictionary) from PocketLingo. I study Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin, and many years ago one of my professors recommended the American Heritage Dictionary because of its Indo-European etymologies. I immediately bought a copy, and have used it ever since, so I was quite pleased when PocketLingo published a digital version. I use it whenever I want to know the exact meaning of a word or its etymology. But it is important to have the Max version, since this has more words, and is the only version that has the etymologies.