[From Luke] Another one from Luke this afternoon and it's a Treo 800w spoiler over at Engadget or at least the information that we were discussing from the information over at Palminfocenter last week about a possible Treo 800w, it's not really saying anything new. Now if I am correct in saying I think Morning Paper discussed this briefly a couple of months ago and may have been the first people to bring this device to the surface. "According to some dedicated -- and, might we add, thorough -- Palm fans, it looks like we've gotten a few more bits of data about the (rumored) forthcoming Treo 800w. If you believe the data, FCC documents detailing emails between Palm and the agency reveal the code names and corresponding FCC IDs of four phones... including one we've never heard of with "co-locating WiFi and radio." Hear that? There's no current (or announced) Palm phone with WiFi, so this device, referred to as the "Zeppelin" in the .pdf could likely be the upcoming new phone that folks have been speculating on lately."