I was an Apple Retail Store (brick & mortar) over the weekend. Lots of people buying iPhones, as you might imagine. One young (early 20s) girl was looking to buy an iPhone. Standing behind her in line, I overheard her ask the sales clerk if she could use her iPhone as an iPod until her current contract runs out. He said yes. He was wrong. None of the iPhone’s features will work until the phone is activated: you can’t use it like an iPod Touch (that is, surf on WiFi, use the camera, iPod, calendar, etc). Now there are ways around this if you search the Internet, but since even an Apple Store Employee didn’t know it would not, by default, work, I thought it was worth mentioning in case anyone was thinking about picking one up now that the price has dropped. By the way, word came this morning that Apple is hosting a special UK event on September 18th. Perhaps the UK iPhone is almost here?