Read this tip over at enGadget. Not sure I would try this, but I have had some devices that the logos on the device were either ugly or distracting. Read on...
"If you're the type who already has, say, a de-badged PSP-controlled Honda Civic in your driveway, you probably dig that clean, smooth look on all your gadgetry. We can't say we blame you, and even Dell has admitted
it doesn't like those goofy stickers defacing your electronic property.
The brave souls over at Instructables have successfully devised a
method to remove the glued-on logos that grace the faceplate of your
cellphone and PDA, and the main ingredient is sugar. Apparently all you
have to do is tape around those critical parts where you don't want
sugar crystals meandering in (read: screens, keypads, etc.), and then
get that wrist a moving. By using as many blocks of sugar cubes as
necessary for removal, you simply scrub away the unwanted logos and
replace any worn tape as needed -- the secret lies in sugar's ability
to grind away the stick-ons... (