Just a reminder that I need the help and input of our entire Treo 700 ownership.
I have two strings posted on the Forum that need your input. They are being read by Palm, and your input will help in the diagnosis of some existing Treo 700 issues, and the improvement of the Treo line, in general.
You're always saying that you wished Palm would pay more attention to what you are saying, so...c'mon!
Here's your big chance to jump on a direct pipeline to Palm's Treo-team.
Treo 700 Serial Connector Issues
If you have a music dock, powered car cradle, or other device that uses the serial connector to plug into the Treo 700...make sure its working. If you are having any issues with getting sound out of the Treo, or getting someone else to hear you through the Treo, please post your experiences here. This is something that Palm is trying to diagnose right now, and the more specifics they have, the better for everyone of us.
Treo 700 issues, fixes & patches
This is where you should post any issues that you have experienced with the Treo 700. If you have a fix, patch or story to go with it...we want to hear about it!