Is it just me, or do we get new rumored Treo 700p pics at least every week or so? And invariably the pictures are always just fuzzy enough to not be able to make out what exactly is pictured (...perhaps Palm hand-selects leakers who promise to pretend to not know how to focus?). Personally, the feeding frenzy is getting a bit tiresome to me -- I wish Palm would just announce the darn thing already and put all the rumors to rest, although I'm sure it's to their advantage to create this buzz. As for the most recent Verizon Treo 700p sightings spotted on the TreoCentral forums, I hate to say it, cuz it sure looks like a beauty, but I've got a feeling that it's nothing more than a Treo 700w displaying a Palm OS screenshot. Compare it to the 650 and 700w pictured here. Of course I can't say for sure, but the second hard button seems to resemble the Windows Start key more than the Palm Calendar key. A+ for effort, though.