Thanks to Marugorun for the heads up. "Dear Sammy, I am always surprised to see your site is updated around the clock with interesting stories and reports. Keep up your great work! Here is maybe the last good news from the country where no more Palm handhelds will be announced: "Hagikawa Sys-Com today announced a BT adapter for non-BT enabled CLIE. The adapter connects to the serial connector of NX80V, TJ25, TJ37, TH55, TH55DK, or VZ90 (NZ90, NX70, NX73 are not shown). With this adapter, the CLIEs will be able to connect to the Internet with BT mobile phones or to do GPS navigation using Leplan. Because it is connected via the serial connector, only GAP, SDAP, SPP and DUN profiles are enabled." More details.Personally, I resorted to Tungsten T3 (English version) a year and half ago... but likely cannot help buying a TH55 (from the remaining stock out in the market) and this adapter."
- Sammy (Manchester, UK)